Monday, November 3, 2014


Now here’s an interesting article:

"Maori Party focused on rebuild"  [NZ Herald, Saturday 1 November 2014]

I'm a little concerned if Te Ururoa Flavell (pictured left) truly doesn't understand why his party has lost support.  He says he doesn't understand comments about the party turning its back on Maori.  Or perhaps he’s just spinning, because the truth is too dangerous to admit.  Whether he likes it or not, the perception out there seems to be that his target voters are not as comfortable with buddying-up to the right-wing National Party as Flavell is.  If Flavell were to admit all that, he’d be admitting he’s out of touch with his voters.  And that, my friends, is called “Political Suicide.”

However, Flavell is up against John Key.  And Key is an exceptionally intelligent and astute political animal.  Key knew that the best way to neuter the Maori movement was the same way any establishment neuters a radical movement: he offeres “crumbs from the rich man’s table” [Luke 16:19-31].  Helen Clarke foolishly dismissed and underestimated the strength of the Maori movement.  John Key did not.  In fact, Clarke arrogantly took the Maori votes and the Maori seats for granted.   John Key would love to do away with Maori seats, but dare not.  Helen Clarke foolishly stated that there was “no child poverty in New Zealand.”  Cleverly, John Key said there WAS child poverty in New Zealand – he just doesn’t want to do anything about it.   The former Maori Party leader, Pita Sharples, claims the Maori Party has achieved much for Maori since aligning itself with the National Party;  

  • “influence on the poverty committee”
  • “paid parental [leave]"
  • “free medicine at the doctors for the young”
Strangely enough, Sharples won’t be drawn on if he would have secured more for Maori in a Labour coalition, or whether the “achievements” above would have happened in committee as a matter of course. I would suggest to you that health, poverty, obesity, and smoking are the issues pressing for Maori, not crumbs or the damn flag:

The reality for Flavell, is that many of the issues above - that SHOULD concern Maori leaders deeply - will NOT be addressed by this corporate-friendly National Government.  This government will NOT be taken to account by the current Maroi-National arrangement.

John Key has done a superb job, in completely fracturing the left vote.  Key must be laughing his socks off at Labour being squeezed in between National and the Greens, as Labour feels it should go right not left.  However, Key may have watched the Maori Party strip the Maori seats from Labour, with perhaps some concern.  Hence, Key must have pondered on how he can neutralise this growing, pervasive force for change.